Brown mucas 1 week before period is due, am i pregnant? - brown mucas before period due
HI Can anyone help please?
They have 2 children already and I think you may be pregnant with Baby No. 3? I know my body and I feel different, but there is no sign so early. the last period was 29 Not July, sure my bike (about 28) and by the 26th. Brown had mucas Wednesday, 8 and was very sick and tired of Sunday 12th Rearly scents are very worried about me and I had to slander "strange" feeling inside? The pain in my lower back and my food, but still all very happy? He has a pregnancy test Wednesday 15 (negative) very soon, I know! I just re mucas Brown (18.) What is it? When I repeat the test?
Please tell me your thoughts ... I waited impatiently, but do not want my expectations.
Brown vaginal mucus in the throat or nose?
You women are difficult.
Edit: I just read the wiki on the vaginal mucosa. ...
He said there is a pregnancy or infection.
Go see your doctor.
I had the same with my two pregnancies. I do not know what it was about time, but I knew what it was in March when it happened! I was pregnant. Wait another week for a re-test this may be a little earlier. Implantaition bleeding occurs, I think, about 5 days after fertilization. Do not cite me on, but my sources tell me "yes" is probably pregnant!
Best Wishes!
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